SPIN Girls Monthly Newsletter | July 2021

Summer is here!

If last weekend's heat wave did anything other than melt the PNW, it reminded us that summer is truly here. And as COVID restrictions are lifting, I hope you all are able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather!

In this month's newsletter, you'll find a recap of our activities in June and what your students can look forward to in July, plus the schedule for next year. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. - Nell

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Capstone Presentation: We celebrated the year with a virtual Capstone filled with many heartfelt speeches and lots of amazing presentations! Thank you to everyone who attended. We hope you enjoyed it! If you'd like to re-watch any of the speeches or presentations, click one of the links below:


College of the Environment Virtual Visit Days: The College of the Environment is hosting a series of virtual (Zoom) events in July and August for prospective undergrad students, and anyone interested in our programs. Each event will feature 2 faculty, academic advisers and current students and a live Q&A session.

Making Connections STEM Summer Bridge Program: Making Connections Summer Bridge is designed to introduce high school freshmen and sophomores to STEM careers and encourage them to pursue post-secondary education. APPLY HERE..

Tools for Teens: Stress management and Emotional Resilience: Based on the evidenced-based curriculum of Mindful Self Compassion, the Mindful Schools curriculum, and principles of positive psychology; this 8-week experiential program for teens provides practices and tools to manage stress, increase feelings of happiness and well-being, and promote emotional resilience.  This program is offered by The Center for Child & Family Well-being and scholarships are available. 

Cooling Centers in Seattle: I hope everyone managed okay this past weekend with our record heat! In case it happens again this summer, you can find a map of cooling centers in Seattle if you follow the link above. If you need support finding cooling centers in other cities, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


  • Summer Retreat, July 12-16, 10am-12pm each day. If you signed up for retreat, you should have received an email from me with more information earlier this week. If you plan on attending retreat and have not yet filled out our questionnaire, please do so ASAP.

  • Here's the schedule for the 2021-22 program year. Add these dates to your calendar so you don't miss any!

    • September 25th - Orientation / Welcome Back

    • October 16th - Lab Day #1

    • November 6th - Field Day #1

    • December 4th - Field Day #2

    • January 8th - Lab Day #2

    • January 29th - Field Day #3

    • February 12th - Lab Day #3

    • March 5th - Field Day #4

    • March 26th - Lab Day #4

    • April 23rd - Field Day #5

    • May 14th - Lab Day #5

    • June 4th - Capstone Presentation

    • July 11th - 15th - Summer Retreat

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